Meet Launchbox: A Message From The Founders

Hello there, and welcome to our very first blog post at Launchbox Creative! My name is Jake and I’m one of the co-founders.

I’m excited to share our origin story with you and give you a glimpse into what makes us tick in the world of online retail content and creative.

So, how did Launchbox Creative come about?

It all started with the two of us - Sam and myself - seasoned ecommerce marketing nerds in the online retail and Amazon world. We'd spent years working in one of the top Amazon-focused eRetail agencies in the US, serving brands ranging from mid-market players to Fortune 50 companies.

While working with brands of all sizes, we were amazed at how many bad product pages we would see.

Brands spend tens of millions of dollars on retail media, just to send shoppers to a page with barely any content. They would have beautiful DTC websites, but when it came to their retail shelf, the quality of content dropped significantly.

Why are there still so many bad product listings?

As both agency operators and brand owners, we realized the options brands have in their pursuit of high quality content and creative work for Amazon are severely lacking. While there were tons of world class agencies with deep roots in retail-media, few existed with a pure focus on creating amazing content.

After talking to a bunch of brands, two challenges kept coming up:

  • Brands wanted to pay for content when they needed it, as opposed to the typical agency retainer model where they are paying a big monthly fee no matter what they need.

  • They also wanted a more agile partner that could move quickly whenever they had a content need (like a new product launch).

So, that got us thinking: there has to be a better way…

That's when we started brainstorming. We asked ourselves: What other challenges are brands experiencing in the world of eRetail content? What if we could make the whole experience completely transparent, simpler, and more aligned with what brands actually need?

And so, our core principles were born:

  • No Retainer or Long-Term Contracts: Whether you need 50 products optimized or 1, we will deliver what you need when you need it without locking you into a long-term agreement.

  • Transparent and Affordable Pricing: Our pricing is on a per-product basis so you know exactly what you’re getting and for how much.

  • Crystal Clear Scope: We believe in laying out exactly what our clients can expect from us, right from the get-go. No ambiguous scopes of work here.

  • High-Quality Output: We work with the best designers and writers in the eRetail game. We're committed to delivering best-in-class deliverables that truly reflect our clients' awesome brands.

  • Quick Turnaround: Amazon moves fast and we know brands like to move quickly. We promise the first round of deliverables in under a week.

  • Frictionless Process: We've streamlined our processes to reduce meetings and email back and forth in order to make working with us as simple as possible.

And that's how Launchbox Creative came to be.

We are truly excited to work with new brands, introduce them to this new way of working and, most of all, deliver revenue-driving content and creative.

Whether you're a scrappy startup or a well-established brand in the eRetail space, we’re here to help and would love to talk. Schedule time to chat here.


Crafting Compelling Copy: A Quick Guide to Auditing Your Amazon Product Page Content