How to Craft an Engaging Amazon Brand Story: 5 Best Practices

Back in 2020, Amazon released the ‘Amazon Brand Story’ feature. The Brand Story is a dynamic placement on product pages that allows you to share more of your brand’s narrative with potential customers. It’s an excellent way to differentiate your brand, build loyalty, and drive traffic to your Amazon storefront and other products.

Sitting just above the A+ Content on the product detail page, the Brand Story is only available to brand-registered sellers and vendors to create within the A+ Content Manager.

Most brands, especially when getting their feet wet with the Brand Story feature, start out by creating a single Brand Story and rolling it out across their entire catalog. Given the purpose of the ‘Brand Story’ - to tell the story of your brand! - this approach makes a lot of sense. That said, if you have the time and resources, you could customize your Brand Stories to be category-specific or you could even go as far as creating a Brand Story for each individual product.

Before we get into the best practices, let’s lay the foundation...

Here are the five elements you have to work with:

  1. Background Image: This is the only mandatory element of the Brand Story. It consists of two images - one for desktop and one for mobile. In addition to the background image, there is also an optional text and header box.

  2. Brand Logo & Description: This element allows for a small image, ideal for the brand’s logo, and a text section meant for an ‘about us’ overview.

  3. Brand ASIN & Store Showcase: In this module, link up to four ASINs with a headline and link to your Amazon Store.

  4. Brand Focus Image: This section allows for a larger background image with the ability to add an optional header and body text.

  5. Brand Q&A: Lastly, in this card, you can add up to three questions that you think will help answer customer FAQs.

Brands can use any mix of the modules above and include a total of up to 20, including the mandatory background. Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s get into the strategy of how to create an engaging Brand Story.

Amazon Brand Story Best Practices

1. Laying A Solid Foundation

It’s best to start with the Background Image as it sets the aesthetic of the Brand Story. The Background Image remains static as the consumer scrolls through the carousel. Keep in mind that the other modules you add will go over top this image so you want to ensure they are not clashing. Here are few strategic tips to ensure your background meshes well with the rest of the modules:

  • When designing your Background Image, keep a portion of the right-hand side. This creates a more simple and sleek experience as the consumer scrolls through the carousel.

  • Add your brand’s logo to the top right or left corner of your Background Image so it is easily visible above the other modules.

  • Leave the text and header boxes blank. These are not required and typically end up making the Brand Story look less clean overall.

2. Showcase Your Value Props, A Specific Category, Or New Releases

Next, use the Brand Focus Image module to highlight something in a more prominent manner. This module features a taller image that allows for a lot of creative freedom. We typically use this to focus on a particular value proposition that sets the brand apart from the competition. Other options are featuring a signature product or a new release, showcasing a top category, or just using a nice lifestyle image that aligns with the modules it sits next to.

3. Highlight Key Products

The Brand ASIN & Store Showcase module allows you to feature up to four products. Depending on the size of your catalog, you could approach this by using one module and showcasing your top 4 ASINs. Or, if you have a larger catalog and want to showcase a wider breadth of items, you could use multiple of this module with each focusing on a different category. Here are couple top tips to take advantage of this module:

  • When you add an ASIN, the listing’s Main image auto-populates. Override this image with a custom image of the product that displays nicely next to the other items featured. You could even have fun with this and utilize a colored or pattern background.

  • Link each product to a relevant category page on your Store. This will make it so that they are able to find the product they were looking for, but also extends their journey and engagement with your brand.

4. Share Customer Engagements

The Brand Q&A module is a great way address any common questions or concerns customers have with your brand. It’s helpful to analyze your questions and reviews on your product pages to understand what consumer’s may be confused or surprised about after buying from your brand. We recommend creating custom questions as opposed to using Amazon’s default questions.

5. Consistency in Branding

Lastly, one of the most important aspects of creating an engaging and high-converting Brand Story is consistency. Ensure that the tone of the copy, the focus of the imagery, and the overall aesthetic are consistent across your entire PDP.

Too often, we see product pages where the Brand Story was added after the A+ Page was created and likely at a different time from when the original copy and image carousel was added. This creates a disjointed feeling for the brand where there is a noticeable difference of the look and feel as you scroll through and experience the full product detail page. This naturally leads to consumers questioning the legitimacy of the product and will lower conversion rates.

We recommend taking a step back and viewing the full picture of your product listing - from the copy to the image gallery, the Story, the A+ Content (not to mention your Storefront and Ad creative!). Do you have new assets that weren’t available when you originally launched that product? Has you brand’s voice & tone changed? Are there new value propositions you’re focusing on? All of these are key considerations not only when adding a Brand Story, but when refreshing or adding any new content to Amazon.

By following these best practices, you can create an Amazon Brand Story that not only captures the essence of your brand but also engages and converts potential customers. A well-crafted Brand Story can significantly enhance your brand’s presence on Amazon and separate you from competitors.

If you need any help creating a strategic Brand Story, we’d love to chat!


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